Health at Every Size (HAES)-aligned Eating Disorder (ED) Treatment at MindWell
Our treatment team strives to provide care rooted in affirming, fat-positive, and body liberation practices. We are committed to providing inclusive care for all diverse shapes, sizes, races, and abilities and acknowledge that everyone deserves respect. The MindWell HAES-aligned ED Treatment Team is also in agreement with Project Heal’s mission, that not everyone can access or will equally benefit from the same type of treatment, for reasons such as past negative and discriminatory experiences in the mental health landscape. As a team, we discuss and help workshop different ways that clients can meet their safety needs through a trauma-informed and harm reduction lens.
The following HAES principles ultimately guide and inform our ED treatment planning approach:
Healthcare is a human right for people of all sizes.
Each person is the expert of their own body and should have the right to make autonomous decisions about their health.
Anti-fat bias and fatphobia are detrimental to the health and well-being of all people, especially fat people.
Health is a sociopolitical construct that is rooted in white supremacy, anti-Black racism, ableism, and healthism/moralism.