MindWell Testing Services

MindWell providers specialize in evidence-based assessment for children, adolescents, and adults to identify and inform treatment plans to address a variety of concerns.

All assessments occur via MindWell’s Albany, NY office. For the convenience of clients not in the Albany area, portions of the assessment may be able to be conducted virtually.

We are an in-network provider with CDPHP for MindWell Psychological Assessment Services

Psychological Assessments for Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults

At MindWell, psychological assessment can include numerous components such as norm-referenced psychological tests, informal tests and surveys, interview information, school or medical records, medical evaluation and observational data. Our team of psychologists determines what information to use based on the specific questions being asked.

What To Expect

MindWell offers a variety of psychological assessments for children, adolescents, and college-aged youth which include but are not limited to: (1) ADHD Evaluations (2) Autism Assessments (3) Psychoeducational Evaluations for children experiencing learning/academic problems (4) Developmental Evaluations for Early Childhood. Other reasons for evaluation will be considered on a case-by-case basis based on medical necessity and scope of the need.

MindWell clinicians use information from the various tests and assessments to reach a specific diagnosis and develop a treatment plan. Assessments may also include interviewing other people who are close to the individual, such as teachers and family members. Together, testing and assessment allow a psychologist to see the full picture of an individual’s strengths and limitations.

Frequently Asked Questions

ADHD Assessments FAQ

Learning Disabilty FAQ

Autism Assessment FAQ

MindWell Embraces Neurodiversity

We aim to provide strengths-forward and neurodivergent-friendly services. Our team utilizes a combination of testing approaches to gather information, including norm-based assessment protocols. However, clinicians delivering evidence-based testing acknowledge limitations to specific norm-based measures for certain populations and the need for supplemental assessment approaches, such as comprehensive interviewing to gather information regarding one’s lived experience. With that being said, our evaluations are open-ended and data-driven, and may or may not result in the diagnosis you expect or with which you self-identify. Our clinicians will spend time during the feedback process explaining how they arrived at their determinations and recommendations that help support your/your child’s unique strengths and differences, regardless of diagnosis.

We want to hear from you to understand how we can support you in achieving your goals.


Book an intake appointment with a highly trained member of the MindWell Care Coordination team today.